Sunday, December 30, 2007
Joy to the World
We just like looking at the games, listening to a bit of music, and hopefully, if not too busy, grabbing a bite to eat.
Washing is up to date after our last little sojourn to the Sunshine Coast (which wasn't so sunny), so a little quilting on the Christmas quilt is on the cards. Late afternoon, when it cools down a bit, I may get into a bit of gardening and throw a bit of fertilizer around the place (especially around the roses which are showing the ravages of summer heat).
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saving the garden
The good news is, that my clever hubby has installed a pump now on the tank down the back. (He is an electrician). The tank has a very meagre amount of water in it from one storm we had about a week ago. Yesterday he christened the "flowing of the water" with a stubby of beer (or two). How good it was to see that H2O flowing out of a hose! We quickly watered our poor drooping tomato plants and a few flowering plants around the house. Eureka!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Samplin' the Puddin'
Came up with a good one. I shaped the shaved bits into a ball, placed it in an oven bag and tied it up very, very, tightly. It went into the crock pot (electric slow cooker) with water coming about halfway up, and I put it on "high" for about 3 hrs. We then sampled it with ice cream and cream for dessert. YUM. I am quite confident now in taking it to the family Christmas knowing that it is a "knock out". Now, I have opened a hornet's nest, in that I want to make a few of these little puds. Will take one to Caloundra where we are spending Christmas day with our daughter, and give one to my sister and husband for her to freeze and enjoy later into 2008 and I will do the same with the third one. Soooooooo, that means a little more time in the kitchen today as I am working (at a real job) tomorrow and socializing the next day. Running out of time.
Last year I decided to do this same pudding and on Christmas Day, decided it would be a good idea to "flame" the pudding with brandy like they do in the flash restaurants. Unfortunately, I did not know the procedure for this, poured the brandy over the pud first, and tried to set it alight. It was a real fizzer. Learnt later you are meant to put the match to the brandy first, and then pour!! Oh yeah! This is me trying to light the cake.

Just went down town to the local P & Q shop and spent a bit of the hard earned. Had to have a tote bag that I saw one of my friends with at quilting yesterday. Will put it under the tree for Santa to give me. Also purchased some red fabric for a Santa wall -hanging for next Christmas. Maybe I better start that straight after I finish "Celebration" quilt, so it will be finished by next Christmas. Also got a gift for a friend, some variegated embroidery thread (that I really wanted myself), and some really cool tape with sticks to itself. You put this tape around your embroidery thread spools to stop the thread unravelling. (Bought one of these for myself also as the glad wrap is not that successful). Also signed up for their cotton patch club and the proprietor was very open to showing me whatever I would like to learn. Now, where will I start? As I didn't have the Santa pattern with me, I will have to go for another visit to her to get the rest of the fabrics because I didn't have a clue how much I needed. Did I say no new projects?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Busy as............
The Christmas quilt is going now at a snail's pace, so it won't hang on the wall til after Christmas after all. Oh well, I have decided to hang it anyway (whenever it is finished) and it can hang until "Christmas in July". By then, we will have had enough of looking at it.
Once this is completed, I had better get a wiggle on and start my part of the 2008 raffle quilt.
There are projects on my mind for next year - by the dozen. One of them is a bag, called a "bow bag". Have had the pattern and fabric and materials for over a year now, so that will be one of the first UFO's to tackle. Then there is my sister's birthday present, a journal cover. It is half made, only have to do the quilting and embellishing. Number 1 daughter, Rebecca, has

This is our beautiful "baby", BELLA, a border collie/cattle dog? cross. >
So, that takes me through to March probably, and there will be lots of pleasant distractions in between. A few of us in our quilt group
makes a strippy quilt from whatever strip they pick up. There are
rules to the game, and later on I will post the rules -
they are just a bit of a giggle - not serious rules.
Now, back to the kitchen.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
BROKE but happy

Friday, December 7, 2007
Why won't it rain????
I have been an ostrich for far too long, burying my head in the sand, and I now realise how close we are to Christmas and how little I am prepared. I am starting to think I am a Christmas Grinch. (My sister actually called me this last year). The Christmas tree would not have gone up, only hubby got a bee in his bonnet and said we must have it. We won't be here for the big day and who is going to look at it? Only him and I. I think he just wanted to see his present under it.
Back to the sewing machine to finish this darned border and get this damned thing finished.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Life goes on
Work on the quilting front of course has been at a standstill and now with Christmas looming there will be even less production no doubt. I have great aspirations for the New Year however. Look forward to practising my applique skills on the Toowoomba Quilters 2008 raffle quilt and one my "teachers" has given me some excellent instructions in a book by Elly Sienkiewicz entitled "Fancy Applique". The instructions are clear and precise and now I feel it is just practice. Thank you Caity.

The photo I am posting today is a post-card for a swap I participated in for the Queensland Quilters Picnic which was held back in May at a delightful little town called Peachester. Peachester is located in the hinterland of the beautiful Sunshine Coast and it is a tropical paradise. It was a lovely, memorable day, and in 2009 Toowoomba Quilters has been selected to hold the QQ Picnic. Very exciting!
The post card was to depict Australian Wildlife, and I chose the quintessential bird, the Budgerigar (budgie for short), and I called it "Boodiful Budgies". Budgies are more often than not bred and kept in captivity these days, but may be still seen in the wild. Domesticated birds come in all sorts of colours but the wild ones are mostly green/yellow. We don't see them around our area, but we have many other beautiful Australian birds and parrots visit us. Just wish we had the time to sit and look at them more often.
The birds were appliqued mostly on the sewing machine with a little hand embroidery and a little colouring using watercolour pencils. Next year, I would like to pursue more arty type quilting and sewing projects and my mind is racing with techniques on the list "to try".
Friday, November 30, 2007
Christmas Block of the Month at last

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Musical Nuns and other Rot
A little, little, bit was done on the long suffering Christmas quilt yesterday. The last border seems to be dragging on and on. There are too many other distractions with Christmas looming ever faster. A friend and I went to "Bush Christmas" yesterday afternoon. This is where art/craft people from the country regions bring their wares to town and try to flog them off to us. There were many beautiful things up for sale, but yours truly went for the food (as usual). Said I was buying it for the dear hubby, We did get some good ideas for our craft stall we have at our annual quilt exhibition though. More about that in a later post. It is something we start working on now, but exhibition time is September.
Will post some photos tomorrow of the Christmas quilt, with or without last border!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Moles in the garden
Not much was achieved on the quilting front today. A few of the ladies at my group (Toowoomba Quilters) attempted to tutor me on needle-turn applique. By the end of one tulip head, I felt a little more comfortable with it. Fortunately in was only a test run, just hope the real ones go okay as they are going on the club's 2008 raffle quilt. Each year the group makes a quilt and proceeds go to a local charity. This year, the quilt is in the style of a "row by row", depicting the four seasons. I volunteered to do the spring section which is a row of tulips. Now why would I do that when I haven't done the needleturn applique?? God only knows. Perhaps it may be the start of a new chapter in applique and I will do that Baltimore quilt I have always wanted to do. This won't be in the near future as 2008 is going to be the year of finishing off things. Heard it all before?? I really mean it this time.
Monday, November 26, 2007
How it all started

So, my love of all things quilty and sewing did not come from my Mum! Ever since I was a very small child, I have loved to create something. My paternal Nana (a very patient soul) taught my sister and I how to knit from about age 5 0r 6. My sister soon got bored, after dropping many stitches, but I always persevered and made a scarf for the bride doll. Next door to us, lived an elderly childless woman (another extremely patient soul) who showed us the fine art of embroidery and crochet. By the time I got to Year 7 to do our embroidery sampler, I could already execute the basic stitches. My love of embroidery still exists to this day.
Like many quilters, I have many projects on the go and a lot of UFO's (unfinished objects). One of these is a crazy patchwork quilt. This quilt has already been worked on for about 2 years and I am looking at it as a very long-term project. Initially I envisaged it to be a rather large extravaganza, but sanity prevailed and now it has worked it's way down to a wall hanging. Basically, it is going to be a pictorial, memory type crazy patch quilt and, as this is my first blog entry, I will attempt to add a photo of one of the blocks. This is "the Rose Block", depicting my absolute love of this God's gift to nature. My favourite rose is "Blue Moon" and is depicted at the top of the block. I just love it for it's seductive lilac colour and it's splendid perfume. Can't see the sense in growing a rose without perfume.

Almost finished is a block of the month quilt, a Christmas design, which began about 4 years ago. Progress has been veeeeeery slow, as I was trying to do a full time admin position, marry off a daughter and all the other vagaries of life whilst working on this one. There are many many more UFO's in the cupboard which may be revealed later on this blog.