Friday, April 30, 2010

Childers Trip - ANZAC Weekend

 Mango Orchard and chook shed - view from the deck
We headed north for the 3 day ANZAC weekend and visited my cousin and her husband who live just outside of Childers on a sugar cane farm (and other things).  It is about a 4 hour drive from where we live.
'We' is my darling sister (younger by 3 years) and her husband.  Unfortunately due to a death in my husband's family he wasn't able to go.  
We had a fabulous time and got spoiled rotten by our cousin.  She fed us copious amounts of good home cooking, and some of the produce coming straight from their farm.  

Red Claw Crayfish - before

Red Claw Crayfish - After

If you haven't tried Red Claw yet - do yourself a favour!  It is so delicious and my cousin and her husband farm these right on their property.  YUMMY>

 Banana plantation

A whole bunch of em

Yes they had some bananas.  We brought a few of these home with us plus some avocados

Childers and surrounding area is a great place to visit and we look forward heading up that way again soon. (Got to lose some weight first!!!!) LOL

1 comment:

shirley said...

Wow it looks lovely country Di, and the Redclasw and crayfish sounds lovely, that shouldn't be fattening. IEverything is lovely and green

Bananas and avos...who could want more.

Thanks for the comments on my blog Di
We did seem to have more time to sew once didn't we..and paint when we were at Rainbow