Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fabric collage gift tags

 It's that time of year when I endeavour to make some quilty, crafty things for my friends.  I like to make them something and personalize it.  

I made these little gift cards from inspiration from the latest Quilting Arts Gifts and Quilting Arts magazine. I've made a total of 6 so far.

My version is a magpie with berries - yes, I know, you have to use your imagination.  It is my version of a magpie.  

The collage gift cards in the Quilting Arts Gifts are done by Jeanelle McCall and they really took my fancy.  The others in Quilting Arts mag are drawn using a permanent marker and then coloured and embroidered.  They are as equally cutesy and are done by Jane LaFazio.  Her designs are delightful and maybe I will do some of this type as well.  

It is trying to find the time to escape to the sewing room that is difficult.  This weekend has been quite productive but can't show all til after gift giving.


Jane LaFazio said...

Thanks for the mention! Your magpie would make a great quiltlet too!
Jane LaFazio

Anonymous said...

I love your magpie piece! I'm so glad you have had fun making the cards. This is such a fun time of year to make and send reminders of precious friendships. Happy card making. Jeanelle McCall

Anonymous said...

Love your original would look great framed on a wall also!