Some of the joys of summer though are extra day light and blooms in the garden.
Our agapanthus are still putting on a nice display and they are such a glorious colour.
Here are some other things still blooming regardless of the heat wave.
Hubby has started up a vegie garden again now that he has a bit more time on his hands. We have beetroot growing and that will be a joy to eat. We enjoy it just grated raw onto a salad, but also love it pickled.
We also have lettuce, zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes growing.
The biggest joy in our life at the moment is our little grandie, Lilian.
Lilian loves to paint and draw. Here is a bird she drew and I think it is fantastic for a little girl who has just turned 4.
Isn’t it wonderful? It has a beak and eyes and wings and even a crest. Perhaps she is going to be artistic and crafty – I would love that!
Here she is in her fave dress at the moment, her ‘ballerina dress’. She has always had a cheesecloth wrap with her at bedtime and when she needs it for comfort.
She calls it ‘sooky’. Sooky goes everywhere!
Sorry about some of my close up shots. Still getting used to the macro etc. on the new camera.
Until next time (when I hope to have something stitchy to show you), enjoy the joys in your life.