We have seen some awesome sights and been having some wonderful experiences of the Australian bush.
Currently, we are staying in the Gulf country with DH's niece whose husband works here in the Department of Primary Industries. He is a stock inspector and travels the roads we have travelled on a regular basis. They are long, sometimes dusty and one has to always be on the look out for unfenced cattle and of course the wallabies and kangaroos.
So far we have seen all of the above, plus a very large black snake, a tiger snake, a family of emus and various birds including the beautiful wedge tailed eagle.
Cattle on the track..
Flowering wattle trees beside Gregory Development Road.
Huge white quartz outcrop called "The White Blow" just outside the township of Ravenswood.
Dirt track to Einasleigh River and the Copperfield River Gorge.
Copperfield River Gorge on the Einasleigh River. Rock is basalt layed down from a lava flow hundreds of thousands of years ago.
The outback loos are an experience all of their own! I have even had a couple of "bush bathroom" experiences. Case of 'have to'.
Sunset at the Gulf town of Karumba.
This old outback 'dunny' was put out of service a long time ago thankfully. It has even survived a cyclone!